Big iron, excellent distribution networks and long hours meant that roughly 80% of the southern Ontartio corn and soybean crop went in the ground between May 6th to 20th. As Ken Currah, with PRIDE Seeds notes in this Crop Update Ontario, available horsepower and machinery means that when the ground is fit, it’s off to the races, and it’s a sprint not a marathon.
In this video, Currah recaps where the corn crop is at, even though it’s been nipped by frost, how a lack of rainfall had some livestock producers taking early hay and feed cuts, and why it’s important to get out and evaluation how pre-emerg herbicides are working (or not) in soybean. Currah adds that good weather over the weekend will have the corn crop looking healthy once again in no time, but that dry conditions have suppressed some weed growth to date — after the timely rain and now heat, that scenario will quickly change. Keep an eye on post-emerg weed control in all crops, and nitrogen and glyphosate timing is going to come up in a hurry.
All in all it’s a good start to the year, Currah says. Leave a comment on how the crop looks in your area!
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